
Jæja, tilraun í gangi. Ég benti á lítið forrit í síðustu færslu og af því að forvitni mín á sér engin takmörk sótti ég það sjálfur.

 Ég hyggst á komandi vikum biðja fólk um bænir vegna þess að ég er trúlaus og kemst ekki til himna (ekki það að ég held að það gerist hvort sem er en hvað um það...), að mér gangi vel í prófunum eða eitthvað sem er ekki of absúrd til þess að það komist upp um mig (fólk getur tilkynnt misnotkun). Ef ég tek trú alltíeinu,  fæ 10 í öllum prófum eða losna við þá líkamlegu sjúkdóma sem hrjá mig (fótsveppur...) án þess að lyfta fingri þá sannfærist ég.

Það er kannski pínulítil bjartsýni að ætla sér 10 í prófi án þess að líta í bók en þið skiljið hvað ég er að fara...

 hefst nú tilraunin.

Fyrsta bæn: Please pray for me because I doubt the existance of God because science tells me he does not exist. Please help me.

Ég fæ svo mail þegar ég fæ bæn


 ps: Geri mér klárlega grein fyrir því að ég er að brjóta gegn pólisíunni þeirra...

Basic Policy:

1 - *I am praying 4 you* is a community of praying Christians. We expect the user to behave in an appropriate manner.
2 - We define a *Christian* as anyone who believes in the Holy Bible, God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
3 - The membership in *I am praying 4 you* is a privilege and not a right.
4 - *I am praying 4 you* has the right to audit, accept, and reject any membership.
5 - *I am praying 4 you* does not claim that being part of this community makes you or anyone closer to God's grace and mercy.
6 - *I am praying 4 you* does not claim and is not responsible for the answer or lack thereof of your prayer request. *I am praying 4 you* is only a digital media to allow people to make their requests public to the community.
7 - *I am praying 4 you* does not give a warranty that the person who clicks on the button [I am praying 4 you] has in fact prayed.
8 - You are allowed to send any amount of personal prayer requests you want.
9 - Make punctual personal requests which are according to your immediate need.
10 - Avoid including repetitive requests and generally known requests (i.e for world peace).
11 - Be polite and friendly in the way you express your request.
12 - Do not include personal names, emails, telephone numbers, addresses, credit-card numbers, ID numbers, passwords, or anything confidential to you or anyone else.
13 - Do not use the prayer request to make social, political, commercial, or religious advertisement. Any person who does this will be blocked and reported to the email service provider.
14 - Remember that people can report you if your requests have offensive content. Your request will be blocked, you will be contacted, you may lose the privilege of being part of this community, and you may be reported to your email service provider.
15 - We promise to use your email account only to inform you about new releases and system changes.
16 - *I am praying 4 you* has the right to modify this policy independently.
Thank you for your support



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